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TJYBB Age Divisions


TJ Youth Baseball is broken down into 7 divisions to allow us to create a competitive, enriching, and safe atmosphere for children of all age ranges and skill sets. Based upon your child's birth date, either 1 or 2 choices will be presented during registration.

 Tee Ball 5/1/19 to 8/31/20 Pre-K / K / 1st
 Rookies 5/1/18 to 8/31/19 Pre-K / K / 1st
 Pinto 5/1/17 to 8/31/18 K / 1st / 2nd
 Mustang 5/1/16 to 8/31/17 1st / 2nd / 3rd
 Minors 5/1/14 to 8/31/16 3rd / 4th / 5th
 Majors 5/1/12 to 8/31/14 5th / 6th / 7th
 Pony5/1/10 to 8/31/126th / 7th / 8th 

*Please note that beginning in Fall 2020 TJYBB has changed it's age criteria to match that of most travel baseball organizations as well as created a Summer overlap for those children who are either the youngest or oldest in their grade.  For those with birth dates between 5/1 and 8/31 we have observed a mixed grouping of school grades therefore we are now allowing those families to have a choice in which division to register their child.


  • Tee Ball (Tee Only)
    • Tee ball is now more skills based than game based.   Each practice/game session will consist of 40 minutes of skills and drills in various stations, then conclude w/ a one inning game.
    • Stations will focus on hitting, fielding, and throwing.  (5 or 6 stations w/ 3 or 4 kids per station)
    • After stations, the teams will play a one inning game.  
    • All players will hit from the batting tee with unlimited swings until the ball is in play
    • All players bat each inning (last batter runs out the hit as a homerun and rotate who bats last each game)
    • Soft compression balls will be used
    • Kids to play equal amounts of infield and outfield (rotate positions)
    • Plays made to a base can result in an out, however baserunners remain on the field
    • Pitchers must wear heart-guard and facemask
    • No catcher position is used
    • Hits are limited to a single except for the last batter
    • Coaches are encouraged to give out game balls and plan team snacks
Station Set up to start the year (can change up as needed throughout the year)
Station 1 (2 tees along the left field line players will hit smush balls up the hill and 2 other players will shag and toss back)
Station 2 (along left field fence) coach rolls ground balls teaching "gator chomp" and player throws ball toward the fence into a hula       hoop target.
Station 3 (2 pitching nets located in center field)  players will play 1 v 1 tic tac toe where a coach focuses on teaching how to throw   properly.   Once a player gets tic tac toe, they can switch who they play.
Station 4 (colored mini plastic golf balls)  on the right field line, set up a drop down base as home plate.   A coach will sit on a bucket   and pitch the mini golf balls to players to hit.   As they swing they will say the color of the ball.  If they hit the ball they get two points, if they get the correct color they will receive 1 point.
Station 5 (tennis balls in infield area) Coaches will throw pop ups to the players to learn how to judge fly balls and use their gloves       properly when fielding fly balls.

As the season progresses, coaches can vary the stations w/ other fun and enjoyable stations to keep the kids engaged and learning the game.

  • Rookies (Pitch + Tee)
    • All players will receive 5 pitches. If the batter has not put the ball in play, a batting tee will be used with unlimited swings
    • All players bat each inning (last batter runs out the hit as a homerun and rotate the batting order each inning)
    • Plays made to a base can result in an out and baserunners will return to the bench if out, but 3 outs will not end the inning
    • Soft compression balls will be used
    • Kids to play equal amounts of infield and outfield (rotate positions)
    • Pitchers must wear heart-guard and facemask
    • No catcher position is used
    • 4 innings max per game or 1hr 15min time limit
    • Hits are limited to a double except for the last batter
  • Pinto (Coach Pitch)
    • All players receive up to 7 pitches from a coach who is to be positioned at least 35ft from home plate
    • Players who fail to hit the ball in play after 7 pitches are out, however a player has unlimited foul balls of the 7th pitch
    • 3 strikes and a player is out
    • 3 outs will end an inning
    • Games are 6 innings with a maximum 1hr 45min time limit
    • Base distance will be played at 60ft
    • Lines will be placed 20ft from the forward base (2nd/3rd/home) and runners must have crossed the line to earn the forward base on a ball hit to the outfield
    • Ball is ruled dead when throw from the outfield hits the dirt (it does not have to be possessed).  If base runners are not past 20 foot lines, they must return to previous bases.
    • No advancing an extra base on overthrows to 1st base or on plays where the ball never leaves the dirt area.
    • Pitchers must wear heart-guard and facemask
    • Catcher position must wear full gear
    • Players must play minimum of 2 infield and outfield positions per game (catcher position counts as infield)
    • 5 run rule ends the inning, no continuation
    • 5 run max ALL innings
    • All players must sit before any player sits twice
    • Home Team will prepare the field / Away Team will work the concession stand
  • Mustang (Coach Pitch)
    • All players receive up to 7 pitches from a coach who is to be positioned at least 35ft from home plate
    • Players who fail to hit the ball in play after 7 pitches are out, however a player has unlimited foul balls of the 7th pitch
    • 3 strikes and a player is out
    • 3 outs will end an inning
    • Base distance will be played at 60ft
    • Ball is ruled dead when throw from the outfield is possessed by an infielder in the dirt area. Runners must be advancing to the next base and are running at their own risk.
    • No advancing an extra base on overthrows to 1st base or on plays where the ball never leaves the dirt area.
    • Pitchers must wear heart-guard and facemask
    • Catcher position must wear full gear
    • Players must play minimum of 2 infield and outfield positions per game (catcher position counts as infield)
    • 5 run rule ends the inning, no continuation
    • 5 run max ALL innings except defense must record 3 outs in the 6th inning
    • All players must sit before any player sits twice
    • Games are 6 innings with a maximum 1hr 45min time limit
    • Home Team will prepare the field / Away Team will work the concession stand
  • Minors (Kid Pitch)
    • Games are 6 innings with a maximum 2hr time limit (no new inning after 1hr 45min)
    • Home Team will prepare the field / Away Team will work the concession stand
    • Base distance will be played at 60ft
    • Pitching distance will be played at 46ft
    • All players must sit before any player sits twice
    • Regular Baseball rules apply with the below listed exceptions:
    • Run rule per inning (5,5,3,3,5,unlimited) Defense must record 3 outs in the 6th inning
    • Maximum 2 innings pitched per game per player
    • Only 3rd base may be stolen (runner cannot lead or leave until ball crosses home plate)
    • Balks are warning only
    • No dropped 3rd strike or infield fly
  • Majors (Kid Pitch)
    • Games are 6 innings with a maximum 2hr time limit (no new inning after 1hr 45min)
    • Home Team will prepare the field / Away Team will work the concession stand
    • Base distance will be played at 70ft
    • Pitching distance will be played at 50ft
    • All players must sit before any player sits twice
    • Regular Baseball rules apply with the below listed exceptions:
    • Runners may lead and steal all bases except Home
    • 5 run max ALL innings except defense must record 3 outs in the 6th inning (over the fence HR will score all runs up to 8 max)
    • Maximum 2 innings pitched per game per player
    • 2 balk warnings per pitcher then enforced (runner cannot score on balk)
    • No dropped third strike
  • Pony (Kid Pitch)
    • Base distance will be played at 80ft
    • Pitching distance will be played at 54ft
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